Hope Through Nelda's Sight

Through "Nelda's Sight" Nelda WILL obtain her VISION to proclaim GOD'S GOODNESS and raise awareness and funding for Vonn Hippel-Lindau(VHL). This cruel disease has taken so much from Nelda, inlcuding her eyesight, but it will never destroy "HER VISION"! Nelda carries her cross daily,and though she may fall, she will always rise again, and she will never, ever give up! Your continued communications lighten the weight of her cross. CLICK ON: "Play this Audio Post" , and you will hear Nelda.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Last Thursday, November 10, 2016, Pete and I were able to enjoy dinner with Nelda and Eddie at Outback Steakhouse.  The time together was priceless, and it raced by like the wind.  Nelda, God's Spiritual Warrior is still fighting the good fight.
Not only does she religiously ride her stationery bike 40 miles a day, but she persistently seeks out new, cutting edge technology because she wants an easier  to communicate with others, and she wants to take full advantage of every opportunity to work her mind.  Nelda is a certified English teacher, and she can never get enough new vocabulary.  Nelda gets so frustrated with Siri, because as Nelda is dictating a text, Siri will inevitably misspell a word or leave out a comma.  That makes Nelda so mad as she wants her writing to be grammatically correct.  I do not have words for how much my dear friend continues to impress me with her fortitude, persistence, positive attitude, and faith.  I know for a fact that OUR GOOD GOD works through Nelda Salinas Sosa.  May we all continue to follow her lead by exercising, working our minds, praying in Faith, and facing each new day as a BLESSING!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Back in the Game...

I am glad to continue blogging after another respite.  The loss of one of my dearest friends, Jill Honer, left me paralyzed (emotionally/physically) for a time...still struggling.  However, with the help of my husband Pete, my children, my family and other close friends (especially Nelda), I am coping better.  I do have faith that she is with Our Good God, but I suppose I have been grieving for myself, for her family, and for the world as the mold used to shape and form that awesome young women is in short supply now days.  Therefore, In my eyes, at least for now, the sun is just a bit dimmer, the world a bit darker, and music a bit duller.  I know without a doubt that Jill would scold me ferociously for my outlook, but I will work through it, not only for her, but for my loved ones and myself.  Obviously, God has more work for the rest of us, and I need to get in gear to follow HIS call to service.

My inspiration and origination of this blog, Nelda Sosa is still fighting THE GOOD FIGHT!  Nelda's Strength, Faith, Selflessness, Sacrifice, and Love continues to amaze me.  I try to be like her...stand strong, be bold, and steadfast facing death and loss, but I realize...I am not Nelda.  God gave Nelda these supernatural gifts through the Holy Spirit, and the gifts he has given uniquely to me I have to use for HIS GLORY.

It is difficult to enumerate one's own gifts as I was raised in the generation that was taught not to brag or focus on "self".  We shied away from cameras (or at least pretended to),  and we were not to be vain.  However, risking straight up VANITY, I am going to attempt to publicly state my own unique gifts.  Gifts God gave to me to USE...not to bury and hide.

Side note: When I use to get really down on myself, I would call Jill.  Her voice immediately uplifted my spirits, but she would inevitably give me an assignment. The last assignment she gave me, which was more than 4 years ago, was to get old magazines and cut out  positive words which I would use to describe myself.  I was then to create a collage, and look at it daily.  To date, I have not completed that assignment.  I started, and I still have some of the clippings in a plastic baggy, but I NEVER FINISHED.  When Jill checked my progress, she reprimanded me, although,  hysterical laughter erupted as she gave me a tongue lashing for my choices.

Apparently, the only magazines around me upon receiving that assignment were James Avery, Brighton, etc.... and I subconsciously became caught up in the jewelry.

Later, when reviewing my assignment,  she asked me to explain how a particular  "ring and/or necklace" had ANYTHING TO DO WITH my POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES.
I made a sad attempt to say, "Well, this particular ring is very shiny, and I think I bring light into  others' lives."

Jill was not having it!  I was told to find regular everyday magazines and redo the assignment.  Sad to admit, I never did it, and I regret the fact that I will NEVER be able to physically turn it in completed.  In reality, I know that was not the purpose.

I write about that incident with self-deprecating humor, but it was a life lesson.  Putting IMPORTANT things off till it is too late can leave a person with a mountain of pure regret.
I know Jill would not want me to write it off as a "regret" because she still wants me to GET IT DONE!!!!!  She knew the Christ overcame death, and she is waiting on the other side for me to reunite with her and hand in my assignment.

In light of that LOOONNNNGGGG side note, I will begin.  I believe OUR GOOD AND MERCIFUL GOD has endowed me with the following gifts intended for spreading "The Good News -THE GOSPEL OF TRUTH- to the Ends of the Earth".
I am...
empathic, compassionate, forgiving, sympathetic, joyful, kind, a defender of the defenseless, a good listener, a faithful friend-sister-mother-wife-grand-daughter, daughter, aunt, god-mother, daughter-in-law-cousin-colleague-neighbor-and basically a faithful person.  I follow rules (unless they are unjust to others). When defending the defenseless, I do not regard personal consequences. I  like seeing others happy.  I will forsake my happiness for the happiness of others. I am an encourager. I like to do nice things for others just to brighten their day.  I am intelligent, and I use my mind to continuously learn new ideas that may help others. My favorite literature is History, Fictional History, and/or inspirational Biographies or Auto-biographies. I give others "the benefit of the doubt" almost to a fault.  I love my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and I talk to him daily.  I am moral and have a conscience regarding right and wrong...I have a hard time seeing gray.  I love to laugh and make others laugh.  As an educator, my greatest joy was/is in seeing others grow whether it be as a student and/or teacher.  I love my husband, my children, and my family unconditionally.  I yearn for peace among all peoples. I like civil meaningful debate and discussion that leads to growth; however, I do not like discussions/debates that become yelling matches based on ignorance. I am tolerant and non-discriminatory against other faiths, ethnicities, races, or lifestyles.  I believe in my ability to do and/or learn to do anything else another human being can do in order to grow and maintain a level personal independence while at the same time admitting my interdependence on my fellow man, especially my husband, children, and family.  I love to sing (even though others say I can't carry a tune...that does not stop me).  I always want people around me to feel comfortable, loved, and accepted just as they are. I am spiritual.  I try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine ("try" is a weighted verb).  I fight the urge to "enable" my children and/or loved ones because I know that it ultimately cripples them (easier said than done).  I openly express my positive feelings to others...even strangers.  I am affectionate with my family and friends. I am willing to admit when I need help.  I try to bare any physical burdens without complaint; however, I fall short in this area.  I love to learn about the Universe, the complexity of the brain, and cutting edge technology/educational improvements.  I love private one-on-one time with my family members. I like playing games as a family or with friends as it creates camaraderie.  I do not like being idle...as Sister Damien always told me "idle minds and hands are the devil's play ground".

That is it for now.  I thank you Lord for pulling me out of the self-absorbed depression which focused on life losses as opposed to the blessings of today!

Thursday, June 02, 2016

Never thought I would get back into this Blog that has recorded the History of my Dear Friend Nelda Sosa (plus others who have needed prayer throughout the years).

Nelda Sosa continues to "Fight the Good Fight"; however, I regret to report that our mutual dear friend, Jill Susan Honer is no longer with us in the physical realm.  I guess "regret" pertains to those of us that miss her dearly as I know she is experiencing only peace, light, joy, and love in OUR FATHER'S ETERNAL KINGDOM.  Jill went on to be with Our Good God on December 14, 2015.  Her last words spoken were on her son's birthday, December 10, 2015, and I was privileged, along with Nelda, to be by her side.  Nelda was on speaker phone and Jill excitedly told her that it was Erik's Birthday.  Jill's Mom and Aunt Gigi were busy trying to whip up a raw vegan birthday cake and felt good that I was there by Jill's side.  Jill's Mom, Carolynn, remained at Jill's side 24/7 unless another loved one could briefly take her place.  Carolynn was very strong for Jill.  I still do not believe the full gravity of it has hit me yet, but that also may be how our Good God protects our psyche.  Life without Jill's physical, bright, incredible spirit still seems undoable, yet I am doing it, living it, in spite of my resistance to it.  I know that makes no sense to anyone but me.  It is just the best way I know how to describe my feelings.  I still feel Jill everywhere!  I speak of her in the present tense, and I am not sure that will ever change because she will be with me always.  Soooooo many people loved and cherished Jill.  Like her Grandmother, Grace Knolle (Nana), Jill had a way of making you feel like you were the most important, special, exciting person on this earth.  You would think a "little beautiful thing like sweet Jill" could not contain all that love for so many people and/or living creatures, but SHE DID.  Jill was bigger than life, and she LIVED LIFE one hundred and twenty percent of the time.  You never found Jill plopped down in front of a T.V. while life passed her by.  No, until she was absolutely forced to use the bed sent from amazing Hospice Staff that served her, she was determined to keep on living, giving, loving, and laughing.  From her own bed, she busily ordered on-line gifts to give to all the people who helped her and/or just because she thought it was "cute".  We all had a system of checking the mail before her husband arrived home from work and smuggling her daily treasures in for her to open.  She giggled with delight as she tried to rush and open them and get them in a safe hiding place.  However, I do not confine that behavior to only when she was ill because she was always doing something that was fun, maybe a little mischievous, but never harmful.  For example, while still living in Corpus Christi, Texas (homeschooling) if the kids were ahead on their lessons, Jill would declare an early spring break or Christmas in July, or some other quirky fun mix on making memories.  We made many memories together beginning in the 1980's when we became very close friends at W.B. Ray High School.  I was a grade ahead of her, but she was like the little sister I never had.  I will bring this to an end for now but I hope to keep my blog flowing along as Life HAPPENS!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Update...Nelda &Jill


Praise our Good God that two of my dearest friends continue to battle difficult medical challenges, yet, through FAITH, HOPE, CORAGE, and LOVE they both persevere!
They are shining examples of God's LOVE AND AMAZING GRACE!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

March 25, 2014 Eddie Sosa (Nelda's Husband)

A SPECIAL BIRTHDAY WISH TO EDDIE...from Myself and my sweet husband Pete!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

We love you NELDA!!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Prayer Request for Jill Honer

May Nelda's Family and Friends Pray for our Sister in Christ, Jill Honer! I praise our GOOD GOD for HIS Love, Selfless/Sacrificial Giving, and HIS WORD INCARNATE who gave us "himself" in human form with and through His only, beloved SON JESUS CHRIST !!! Jesus, given to us through our BLESSED, Virgin Mother who said, " YES" to The WILL of her HEAVENLY FATHER ...even when the agony of her ascent was potentially and subsequently excruciatingly ravaging to her human, most loving, sacred HEART! St. Peregrine, intercede for the most compassionate and sacred heart of GOD'S precious daughter, Jill Honer! You know the inner-most workings of her HEART and the intricate balance of her biological body. You know the clear pathway to miraculously healing the cells within Jill that have strayed from GOD'S plan of healthy cell reproduction. Therefore, I, WE, beg your divine intervention and HEALING. Through our most HOLY MOTHER MARY and, you St. peligrine who suffered greatly ...offering your suffering for the DUVINE HEALING of others. As always, may GOD'S DIVINE WILL BE DONE as we leave our precious Sister, Mother, Daughter, Wife, Niece, Granddaughter, Daughter-in-law, Friend, Teacher, Lover of nature, JILL HONER ...in your MOST NATURAL, MOST HOLY, MOST HEALING HANDS!! Please speak to her HEART, LEAD HER WHERE YOU WOULD HAVE HER GO, and then take the weight of these taxing decisions from her mind. Let her REST in the FAITH that YOU ARE GOD! Let her REST in the knowledge that YOU are in control! Let her rest and ALLOW her the FREEDOM of RELEASE... MAY YOUR MOST HEALING LOVE, channeled through friends, family, and FAITH gently carry her through this chapter of her LONG, BEAUTIFUL Life!!! One Chapter, of a long, long NOVEL. A STORY of a LONG LIFE, that is now, and will FOR YEARS unending, HEAL and Continue GIVING LIFE AND LOVE to all of your beloved, sacred CREATIONS living here on Planet Earth! Our Faith is STRONG, we KNOW you have a PURPOSE AND A PLAN!!! WE WILL TRUST YOUR DIVINE, HOLY WILL, AMEN, ALLELUIA ... In the name of YOUR SON, JESUS CHRIST ...OUR LORD AND SAVIOR AMEN! Each week Mass is said for the many intentions that we receive at the National Shrine of St. Peregrine. St. Peregrine hears our petitions and intercedes with God on our behalf. You can have your requests for intercession or petitions remembered in this Mass via the link below. Please be sure to that you give us the actual names so they may be properly enrolled on our prayer lists. A Prayer to St. Peregrine for Sick Relatives and Friends O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty", the "The Wonder Worker" because of the numerous miracles which you obtained from God for those who have turned to you in their need. For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being. You turned to God when the power of human beings could do no more, and you were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His cross to heal your affliction. I now ask God to heal these sick persons whom I entrust to you: (Here mention their names) Aided by your powerful intercession, I shall sing with Mary a hymn of gratitude to God for His great goodness and mercy. Amen.